Clean water is a guarantee of health

Clean water is a guarantee of health

Water is a thing of daily use. It is true to say that it is very important for the life and health of every living being.

Water is a thing of daily use. It is true to say that it is very important for the life and health of every living being. It includes humans, animals, birds, and plants.

All of them cannot survive without water. Life and Water is the most important thing after air to maintain health. To maintain health, we need pure, clean water like clean air (oxygen).

Clean water is a guarantee of health

Just as we get sick by breathing in dirty air, drinking dirty water also affects our health. Due to the lack of water, people can suffer from various diseases of the stomach and intestines and may complain of indigestion. Stomach upset may occur. Diarrhea and dysentery may occur.

Drinking contaminated water can sometimes carry the germs of dangerous and deadly epidemics that can cause diseases such as typhoid and cholera.

Therefore, clean water is very important for health. Although water itself has no nutrition and test, but it is an essential component for our diet and body blood. It helps to keep the blood thin in running our body system. Blood is thinned and travels easily and quickly in the veins which is a sign of our healthy life.

Water Usage:

Water is a universal solvent.

which maintains our body temperature. Consuming water with other foods is important because it makes our food easier to digest. Keeps it in liquid form and other nutrients in the fine blood vessels. By its coolness and heat, our body temperature remains moderate. Due to this, our life and thoughts travel fast.

It quenches thirst, prevents fainting, fatigue, vomiting, constipation and urinary irritation. Useful for jaundice. Expels toxins from the body through sweat and urine. Prevents blood clotting. Protects from heart attack. As if water is another name of life.

Ways to reduce and conserve water scarcity:

Use as much water as necessary for ablution, mouthwash or bathing.

Turn off the faucet while shaving or brushing your teeth. Do not leave the faucet open while cleaning the house or washing the car. Water the plants as needed. Turn off the water immediately when the water tank is full. If the faucets or water pipes of the house are damaged and water is dripping from them, then get them repaired immediately.

Or if there is no damage. Take care of these things while eating and cooking so that water is not wasted. Do not fill too many dishes while eating. Drop by drop we can save a lot of water. New big dam. Instead of building, small dams should be built. By which the country’s electricity shortage can be controlled. A big dam takes ten to fifteen years, while small dams are ready in two to three years.

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